Who We Are
What is your congregation like?
CPC is a family of believers who come from all walks of life. We are cashiers and CEOs, farmers and physicians, computer analysts and caregivers… wherever the Lord has placed us, that is where we are. As Paul would say, God has assembled this church as a “body made up of many different parts.” We also span multiple generations as we have infants and great-grandparents and everything in between. We love God, we love people and we are passionate about expanding Christ’s Kingdom in Richmond!
Mission and Ministry of CPC
Our core mission at CPC is “Knowing Christ and making Him known.” We accomplish this mission through the intentional focus that everything we do as a body of believers is drawing us and others into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Which means that every aspect of our lives is within “reach” of Christ’s redeeming power. Everything we do at CPC falls into one of four categories:

CPC and the Greatest Commandment
Reaching Up & Down = Love the Lord – “Knowing Christ” (Vertical relationship)
Reaching In & Out = Love Your Neighbor – “Making Him Known” (Horizontal relationships)
What does the PCA believe?
- We believe the Bible is the written Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error in the original manuscripts. The Bible is the revelation of God’s truth and is infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice.
- We believe in the Holy Trinity. There is one God, who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- We believe that all are sinners are totally unable to save themselves from God’s displeasure, except by His mercy.
- We believe that salvation is by God alone, as He sovereignly chooses those He will save. We believe His choice is based on His grace, not on any human individual merit, or foreseen faith.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, Who through His perfect life and sacrificial death atoned for the sins of all who will trust in Him, alone, for salvation.
- We believe that God is gracious and faithful to His people not simply as individuals but as families in successive generations according to His Covenant promises.
- We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells God’s people and gives them the strength and wisdom to trust Christ and follow Him.
- We believe that Jesus will return, bodily and visibly, to judge all mankind and to receive His people unto Himself.
- We believe that all aspects of our lives are to be lived to the glory of God under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
- We believe that God created human beings in His image, male and female, and that biblical marriage is between one man and one woman.