Children’s Ministry
Our Nursery Exists to provide a safe, secure, and loving place for our little ones during the Worship hour at Christ Presbyterian Church. First, thank you for entrusting us with your child. Your child will be introduced to basic concepts of God’s love, prayed over and cared for deeply during the time they are with us.

Nursery is available for children from 6 months to 2 years of age. To REGISTER your infant or child for Nursery, please fill out this Registration Form and turn it in to the Church Office.
Kids Connect
We love to have our children join us during the service. Worshipping as a body is a great example for our children to see what worshipping God looks like, but we understand young ones may have a hard time. Kids Connect exists to provide a time where children, ages 3 – 5 years old, can spend time learning Biblical truths at their age level. After worshipping together the children are dismissed to meet Leaders at the back of the Sanctuary, where they will go with them to the classroom. Your child will be returned by the Leaders during the last Worship song.
Children’s Sunday School

Here at Christ Presbyterian our goal is to equip and teach our children Biblical truths that are age-appropriate. We desire to come alongside of parents to help our children understand that following Christ is everything.
We use Gospel Project curriculum to help the children understand God’s Word. This curriculum will teach the big picture of the Bible to the children as they go through the whole Bible over the years in preschool through elementary.
If you have questions, please reach out to Kristin Williamson, Director of Children’s Ministry.
To REGISTER your child(ren) for CPC Children’s Ministry Programs, please fill out this Registration Form and turn it in to the Church Office.