CPC Art Gallery
We deeply value worship at CPC and are always looking for opportunities to express praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. We also believe that we are made in the image of God our Creator, who has instilled in His children creative hearts that seek to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. One of the ways we accomplish that is through offering collective expressions of art as a church body. Periodically, we will ask the congregation to contribute their creative offering to these projects. It is truly beautiful and God-glorifying to see what the Holy Spirit inspires and orchestrates in this body made up of many different parts! Feel free to browse our gallery below.
WHISPERS OF A KING: An Advent Series
Sanctuary Décor – Our Advent theme for 2023 is Whispers of a King. Together, we examine several of the more faint, subtle whispers of Jesus that are sprinkled all throughout the Biblical story. The Sanctuary artwork expresses this theme beautifully. The white circles represent the movement of our world through time and space, while the single red circle in each cluster hint at the Good News, given all throughout history, of a promised Messiah who comes to redeem a people for Himself. And these faint whispers, collectively crescendo in a SHOUT OF PRAISE to a King who has broken into our world, to love us to the very end.

If you would like to listen to the sermons for the WHISPERS OF A KING series, check out the sermons available in our Sermon Series page beginning with the first sermon.

Sanctuary Décor – Throughout the 2022 Advent Season, we looked at the mess of the world that Jesus was born into. At the front of the sanctuary, above the pulpit, there was displayed a mangled manger… not an ideal crib for a newborn baby, but also eerily reminiscent of the crown of thorns that He would one day bear in His death. And out of this manger/crown flowed the mess that, by putting on flesh, Jesus came to fix. Each colorful fabric banner represented a different sphere that Christ was born into… a different sphere that He came to heal and make new.
With this Sermon Series and Creative Display, our hope is that people will see all that He has done to pour Himself out and to redeem us as His own.

If you would like to listen to the sermons for the WHAT A MESS… WHAT A MESSIAH series, check out the sermons available in our Current Sermons Series page beginning with the first sermon.

PROMISE KEEPER: A Study of God’s Faithfulness from the Book of Joshua
MEMORIAL STONES – Throughout our series in Joshua, we asked the entire church to help us build a Memorial of God’s Faithfulness on our property. In order to participate, they had to simply write a word or phrase on it that reminded them of a time God was faithful to them and decorate it as much or as little as they liked.
Thank you for your involvement in this churchwide project! Soli Deo Gloria!

If you would like to listen to the sermons for the PROMISE KEEPER series, check out the sermons available in our Current Sermons Series page beginning with the first sermon on the Book of Joshua.

REjoicing REgardless Series
CHURCHWIDE ART PROJECT – Our CPC Congregation helped us to create a work of art as we worshipped through art. We asked everyone to contribute by answering this question: What does “Rejoicing Regardless” look like for you? The creative parameters were as follows: Over the next two months, as God impacts you during this series, please decorate one blank half-sheet of cardstock to contribute to this project. It can be an image, word, song lyric, illustration, or anything that profoundly strikes you. When you have finished, place it in the basket in the front of the Sanctuary as your offering of art back to the Lord. Together we will create something beautiful to the glory of God. The artwork was then put up for display in the Church Foyer every week during the series. In the image above, we are able to see the artistic results of this project.

If you would like to listen to the sermons for REjoicing REgardless and create your own artwork in response to the series for your own artistic experience, check out the sermons available in our Current Sermons Series page beginning with the first sermon on the Book of Philippians. Or check out our VIMEO page.

THE JOURNEY: An Advent Series
ADVENT – Throughout the 2021 Advent Season, several painters from our Church Family created artistic offerings to visually enhance our Advent Sermon Series: The Journey. Each Sunday a different painting that represents the theme of the week was presented: Garden, Bondage, Wilderness, and Exile. The final Sermon speaks on the birth of our Savior.