World Missions
Eric & Karen Brauer
SERGE – Ireland, Czech Republic, and Romania
Eric & Karen Brauer are workers with Serge. Eric is an Area Director, supervising Serge teams in Dublin, Ireland, Prague, Czech Republic, and Cluj, Romania. In addition to supervising team-leading couples, Eric is a mentor/coach of national church planters/leaders.
For 15 years, Eric led the Serge facilitative church planting team in Ireland – equipping, training and coaching Irish church planters. In February 2017, Eric and Karen moved to Vienna, Austria with the hope of coaching and mentoring national church planters and leaders throughout the region.
Currently, Eric and Karen are working with church-leading couples in Austria, Czech Republic, and Germany. After two years of teaching high school art at Black Forest Academy (BFA) in Kandern, Germany, Karen has re-engaged her creative gifts, teaching, and relational skills in leading painting workshops and personally mentoring women.
Eric and Karen have seven adult children and seven grandchildren.
Jay & Holly Eastman
MTW – East Germany
After both becoming Christians, Jay and Holly met at Ohio State University. Jay and Holly joined MTW’s church-planting work in East Germany in 2001. Their mission is to build a bridge between those who have never heard about Christ to the church. They focus on evangelism and reaching out into the community.
They have supported the work of two MTW church plants now under national leadership. Since 2005, Jay has been the team leader for MTW’s venture in southeastern Berlin.
Richey & Keli
MTW – South asia
Richey & Keli grew up an hour outside of Dallas, Texas. They both felt called to spread the saving glory of Jesus in missions from the time they were around 19 years old. Keli wanted to do this as a nurse. Richey wanted to do this as a pastor, church planter, and theological educator.
In 1999, they married with the goal of answering Christ’s call together. Keli eventually became a women’s health nurse practitioner and Richey an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America. In 2010, they moved to South Asia to train indigenous pastors and plant and pastor a church in a global city. They loved their ministry, but after almost six years in the field they were denied visas and it became clear God was calling them elsewhere.
After several years in Sydney, Australia, where Richey was involved in university and pastoral ministry, Richey and his family are now back in South Asia. Richey and Keli have five children: Hadassah, Josiah, Hannah, Jedidiah and Hadarah.
Guercy MeMe
The relationship between Guercy MeMe and CPC started after the 2010 earthquake in Port au Prince, Haiti. At the time, Guercy was serving with MTW, coordinating teams from the U.S. coming to help in the aftermath.
Now serving in his hometown of Gonaives, Haiti, Guercy is operating an orphanage of about 80 children, ages 18 months to 13 years. Our relationship picked up again when Guercy contacted CPC about building a facility for the children. Up to that point, the children were placed in the homes of families of a local church. In 2014, a team from CPC went to Goniaves to see the start of the new building after raising the necessary finances. Since then a second story has been added and an adjacent property purchased for a potential new school and micro-business.
We are blessed to be an ongoing participant with Guercy in the support of the orphanage.
We would invite your prayers for him, his wife Evelyn, and their young son, and to uphold the children there, that they would know Christ as Savior and serve Him faithfully in their city.

Jon & Sarah Pfeil
MTW – Japan
Jon and Sarah Pfeil have served as missionaries with Mission to the World (MTW) in Japan since 2006. Japan is a country well known for its technology and economic influence, yet few people realize that the Japanese are the world’s second largest unreached people group (
The Pfeils are partnering with Japanese pastor Seima Aoyagi to plant Grace Harbor Church Tokyo in the Tokyo waterfront area. This area includes 146,000 people with only one other small church. Please pray for the establishment and growth of Grace Harbor Church Tokyo and pray for wisdom and resources for subsequent church-planting sites to reach this Tokyo waterfront area with the life-transforming power of the gospel.